I didn't know how to upgrade for maybe five minutes. I just kept going on and on. Hold S=win. However, a better death animation would be nice (I finally found it... :D), and upgrades are much too expensive for the length of time it takes to get them. Raise the coin amount per kill by a few, or lower the prices. I like the first one more. The melee is way too fast on your own character, I didn't shoot once until there were ten men on the screen, not counting the "wonder what shooting's like" shot on the first ammo pickup. Music is very repetitive. Add a playlist with multiple songs some time in the future. Lastly, the name: Accelerated. This is the third madness game with a form of "Accelerate" on it, try something new.
The good parts! The shooting damage is really good, not too fast, not very slow... Seems about the same as melee. There are definitely worse madness games.
Anyway, personal comment: Thank god you can speak English well, like some people on NG. Not to say that non-english speakers are bad, I love Combat Tournament. But it's nice. :3